Living Life Everyday
"Living Life Everyday"
Our Mantra... How we Live Our Lives Everyday, with this mindset.
Inspiring people along the way to do the same
through experiences and a happy & healthy lifestyle!
Dream, Travel, Explore.
Live each day to the fullest and make the most out of
every opportunity you are given in life.
Our Story
We are three sisters...
Lauren, Lindsay & Emily... LLE
Growing up, we were all very active in sports and loved the outdoors. This active lifestyle we grew up with has continued to be a big part of our lives through our individual fitness journeys. Although we are sisters and alike in many ways, we are all on our own path to following our bliss. Come take a class and see the differences in our approach to life and teaching styles!
The infinity symbol in our logo signifies our infinite connection as sisters. It represents a sense of simplicity and balance. Reminding us to stay present, to live everyday to the fullest, and to be grateful for all of the endless possibilities we have before us.
Living Life Everyday is the mantra we live by while sharing it with others along the way!